Robotics Course
As a part of Robotics course, first our kids should get exposed to the existing basic electronics circuitry that requires no engineering degree to understand and get introduced, how they can play with it to improve their creative thinking.
Basic Arduino Course
(15+1) Session (1 Hr each).
Session 1: Basic of Logic Circuits - AND, OR, NOR gates Etc.
Session 2: Basics of Micro-Controller - Brain as our Microcontroller and Human as Robot
Session 3: Introduction to Arduino Board - All the board GPIO details and functioning
Session 4: Introduction to Arduino Board - All the board GPIO details and functioning
Session 5: Introduction to IDE and Coding - Basic of programming, How a program gets executed.
Session 6: Execute the First program.
Session 7: Introduction to Sensors - Basic Temperature and ultrasonic sensor.
Session 8: Execute first program with sensors.
Session 9: Execute Second program with sensors.
Session 10: Execute Third program with sensors.
Session 11: Analyzing the sensor data
Session 12: Next level Programming: Writing For loop, If else, While loop
Session 13: Writing Code with conditional statement for a sensor.
Session 14: Introduction to Electronic components of Robotics. : Key board, Seven Segment Display.
Session 15: Programming Keyboard or 7 Segment Display.
Batch 1 : Junior Robo
Classes : VII - VIII
Days: Sun - Mon
Time : 9:00 - 10:00 PM
Batch 2 : Senior Robo
Classes : IX - X
Days: Tue- Wed
Time : 9:00 - 10:00 PM