By - Suhani Agarwal
Dear Friends,
It gives me immense pleasure to be fortunate enough to share with you, that I was able to attend the Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023; live, on 27th January at Talkatora stadium.
Soon, long lines of government officials and even undercover agents, could be seen guarding PM Modiji’s circle of influence. As soon as he entered, PM Modiji’s aura changed everything about the stadium. Even before anyone could say anything, people stood up and started cheering and clapping loudly, with full enthusiasm, for just that one glimpse of India’s Prime Minister.
After a couple of speeches, delivered by other ministers present there, PM Modiji finally took the stage for himself. It felt magnificent seeing such a distinguished personality, at a distance of just 50 metres from me.
PM Modiji finally commenced the event. During the event, it never felt like anything was staged. Everything seemed quite spontaneous. Topics regarding, ‘Time Management’, ‘Cheating in exams’, ‘The way of study’, and ‘Handling of criticism’ became the hot topics discussed. And PM Modiji gave absolute answers for all of them.
He discussed cheating in such a way, that would probably bar the student’s mind, to cheat at all. He explained that life is a long journey, which doesn’t end at any one exam. Students who cheated, were actually cheating themselves, lowering their own capabilities. He took examples of creative students, who instead of using their skills on studies, used it, to make small chits, with minute writing, to cheat with, in exams. PM Modiji said that it was life we had to live, which came only with experience, and not from copying perfection.
Then, he explained how time management worked, as this was a problem, thatstudents of all ages faced. PM Modiji suggested the idea that it wasn’t the work done, that exhausted us all. It was actually the lack of work, that threatened our energy. Taking into consideration all time facts, PM Modi said that if we analysed our work in a week, we would come to realise that majority of our weeks’ time, was consumed by the topics we loved. To solve the problem, he advised that we must study in a way, that would give us relaxation, as well as boost our interest in the subject. The way to study, was to divide our time equally into intervals of 20-30 mins, in which we would be able to study both loved, and difficult subjects. He then beautifully explained the ‘Power of Time Management’ that ran through our mothers, and advised us to consider our mothers, as Teachers of Time Management.
After that, PM Modiji explained about 4 types of people that existed in this world.
- People who worked very hard
- People who didn’t work hard at all
- People who hardly did smart work
- People who smartly work hard
He gave the idea, that the best person of us all, was the one who smartly did hard work. If we kept on studying hard, without any aim, then our net output would be zero; if we didn’t work hard at all, then of course, net result zero; and if we did do smart study, but didn’t know where to apply it, our output would still be negligible. But doing the right work, at the right time, and with the right efficiency, would help us in our goals. To explain, PM Modiji withheld the example of the crow, who put stones in the water, to increase the water level. It was smart work that the crow did, by getting the idea, and hard work, when he put them in the water.
To conclude the event, he advised the students not to get pressured by parents, peers or teachers. They are all for our well-being, and that’s why sometimes, lecture us about our future decisions. He told the students not to underestimate their capabilities. He told the students, that if they took stress in a positive manner, it would encourage them to do a lot more, than what they expect of themselves. Even though in the end, we choose to do what our heart desires, we must always be open to suggestions from our near and dear ones.
All this while, that PM Modiji spoke, he kept the students entertained, and it didn’t feel like a boring lecture at all. We actually got to learn a lot, that would eventually go and help us in our future endeavours. ‘Exam Warriors’ was the name, he gave to us, as we were the youth, who were going to conquer the fear of examinations. As the speech reached its end, the stadium burst into a million applauses, as PM Modiji descended from the steps. He soon started meeting the students, who came up to him; as his own children, and even clicked selfies with some fortunate ones. Students had even brought handmade portraits of Shri Narendra Modi as a piece offering. The students were still in awe, when PM Modiji were surrounded by his bodyguards once again, and escorted out of the stadium, just like that, as if nothing extraordinary had happened…
Suhani Agrawal
X, Navy Children School
New Delhi
NANHE Scientist accomplished successful workshops for school going kids and named it “NANHE Scientist” – A Study Beyond Classroom. In last few years, we have conducted a number of workshops online, as well as offline based on simple yet high thinking
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